I Just flew?in and, Boy, are my arms TiredIt’s no joke! Well… not in this case. Because if you traveled by umbrella your arms would surely be exhausted. It doesn’t matter whether this nanny is traveling one block or twenty miles, her grip alone would cause issues… now that we’re thinking about it that parrot handle might have a chalky surface that stops a grip from becoming too sweaty. But imagine the core strength that it would take to both hold on to the handle and direct the umbrella’s general flow.And when she lands does she look like she’s breaking a sweat? Oh, of course not. She’s the dream nanny. She can’t show up panting and mopping up her red face at the door. And yes, maybe the all the answers to all our questions are rooted in magic. But we still can’t help thinking, aren’t her arms tired?Product DetailsAre you ready to transform into a mysterious and legendary nanny? Both grown-ups and children alike will adore your look when you show up in this trim ensemble. It features a button down jacket with a red tie and dickey. The jacket has sleek puffed sleeves and black trim along the seams. The skirt is ankle length, ready to swing as you dance along the streets of London. The whole look is complemented with a flat top flowered hat and a parrot head that can top a long-handled umbrella.?Up, Up and AwayIf you’re looking for a costume that will get everyone involved, this is sure to be a hit. The Halloween revelers will be dancing and singing with you in no time. And if anyone gives you trouble for dressing as the sweetest nanny for a spooky Halloween party, just remind them of all the powerful magic you hold. Not everyone is strong enough to travel by umbrella!
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