Women’s Civil War Dress Costume

Bring this classic style, a staple of its time, back with our Women’s Civil War Dress Costume. Complete with gorgeous pattern and pink ribbon, this is the ideal era themed costume.


SKU: FUN0967AD Category:


The War Between the StatesLand’s sakes, whatever is next? We’ve only just freed ourselves from England’s tyranny and now we’re going back to war -with each other! What a mess. At least the styles of the times are absolutely lovely. We have to use a little ingenuity to dress up to the nines in the middle of a civil war, but we’re up to the task. One enterprising gal even whipped up a gown from a pair of curtains. She’s a little sketchy, though, so we don’t go to her much for fashion advice.??Product DetailsAre you a Yankee heartbreaker or a Southern belle? The choice is yours when you wear this Women’s Civil War Dress Costume! The floor-length dress is made of pink calico fabric printed with a delicate pattern of tiny flowers. A dainty lace collar adds an old-fashioned feel, as do the decorative buttons that march down the front of the bodice. The attached pink ribbon sash matches the three bands of decorative ribbon that circle the bottom of the skirt and the pink ribbon trim on the sleeve’s cuffs. The full skirt gets extra body thanks to the included petticoat – no uncomfortable hoopskirt necessary!?Civil War Style?Whether you’re churning butter, spying for the North, or about to run away from home to join the infantry division near you, you’re going to need a great everyday dress – trust us! This costume is perfect for a historical reenactment and it also makes a pretty and unique outfit to wear to your next Halloween party.?


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