Toddler Frog Onesie Costume

This exclusive Frog Onesie Costume for Toddlers is perfect for any occasion whether you need it for halloween, hanging out at home, or a school pajama party!


SKU: FUN3480TD Category: Tag:


Leaps and BoundsIt seems like your toddlers just can’t walk anywhere. Of course, they’re able to walk, they just don’t want to. And to be fair, they only learned how to do it a few months ago, once their head-to-body size ratio improved and they got the muscle mechanics down. Since then, they’ve discovered dozens of new ways to get around.In your kiddos’ opinion, running, bounding, hopping, bouncing, leaping, and skipping are all methods of travel far superior to plain ol’ walking. And really, if you had as much extra energy as they do, you might be more inclined to agree. Sounds like your kiddo would really feel at home in a family of frogs!Design & DetailsGet your kiddo a costume for a “hoppy” Halloween! Our Frog Onesie Costume for Toddlers is the perfect outfit for your energetic kiddo. This cozy costume is made with soft fleece fabric and zips down the front to make it easy to get into and out of. Green spots and a pale tummy decorate the bodysuit, and the hood features an embroidered smile and large, round eyes on top. Your little one will be ready to hang out on a lily pad or go trick-or-treating when wearing this cozy costume!


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