Sexy Secret Wishes Ghostbuster Costume

Get ready to bust some ghosts this Halloween in this Sexy Secret Wishes Ghostbusters Costume. Phantoms will be doing a double take when they see you.


SKU: RU880534 Category: Tag:


An invisible man sleeping in your bed, who ya gonna call?As kids we looked up to Venkman, Stantz, Egon, and Winston. We wanted to hang out with them, like most of New York City in 1984. We wanted to get our hand on one of those Proton Packs, and go catch us some ghosts too.We all had our favorite. Venkman, the playboy. He would much rather be schmoozing it up with Dana than catching ghosts. Stantz, the heart of the Ghostbusters. He seems the most dedicated to the ghost capturing company. Egon, the scientist. Sure all of them (except Winston) are scientists, but Egon is clearly the nerdiest of the nerds. And Winston, the normal guy. Sometimes in a room full of people who know how smart they are you want someone who is a little more down to earth.So when you slip into this Sexy Secret Wishes Ghostbuster Costume, who are you going to be? The bad boy of science: Venkman. The workaholic: Stantz. The brains of the outfit: Egon. Or the oh so relatable Winston. Or do you just want to be the fifth Ghostbuster? You would get your own name tag, your own Proton Pack, and a spot in the Ecto-1. Just try to stay out of the way of projectile ectoplasm, the Slimer is kind of a jerk like that.Who ya gonna call? Ghostbusters!


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