What possessed us to make this high-quality Plus Size Deluxe Nun Costume? Well, when we started this project, we thought it would give us an excuse to make a ton of fun nun puns. But since then, we’ve kicked the habit!But seriously: nuns are special people, and even though they may not get enough credit for all of the good they do for others, their distinctive outfits are instantly recognized across the globe. Unfortunately, a religious vocation can be a tough path to follow, so investing in this complete set of vestments might be your best chance to look truly devout–or to recreate your favorite scenes from some classic musicals!Because there’s nothing that looks better in the light of centuries-old stained glass or summertime in the Austrian Alps than austere black and white. We don’t know why that is, but it’s undeniable. And if a bunch of streakers start showing up at cathedrals and convents, shouting about how they wouldn’t have had to go bare if there was a decent nun outfit for sale anywhere, we need our consciences to be clear!Hey, we’re not claiming that wearing a costume like this is an easy way to become a better person: at most, it’s just an easy way to let the world see that you’re trying. But if you’ve got a song-and-dance number that calls for a cloister chorus line, you don’t have much choice. And we pray that audiences will be merciful when they see that these garments really were made with care!
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