Pastease Creepy Jack-O-Lantern Pasties

You won’t have to give up your love of the spooky to be sexy this Halloween with these Pastease Creepy Jack-O-Lantern Pasties! They’ll be a great addition to your spooky look.


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Naughty SquashOf the types of squash, pumpkins are notoriously naughty (acorn squash hold a close second place). Their mischievous nature is exactly what made them symbolic of Halloween. If you’re looking to add a aura of naughtiness to your Halloween, then you may just want to wear these Creepy Jack-O-Lantern Pasties from Pastease. They’re a secret, simple accessory that turns any sexy costume into a mischievous affair!Product DetailsThese pasties are inspired by classic Jack-O-Lanterns, which means they come complete with a wicked smile and yellow eyes. They attach to your skin with silicon-based adhesive, which is made to be water-resistant. That means they’ll stay securely in place, through sweat or water. You can even reuse them, so you can pair them with many different Halloween-themed costumes. Use them to add a dash of pumpkin mischief to your outfit or as a festive alternative to an underwire bra!


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