Non Piercing Body Jewelry

Woah! When did you put all those holes in your face? Trick all your friends and make them do a double take with this super cool Non Piercing Body Jewelry!


SKU: FO56227 Category: Tag:


Dressing as a punk rocker, biker chick/dude, or really anything that’s a little, well, outside of the ordinary? We guess it’s time to head off to the tattoo parlor and get some extra piercings then. You’ll need a few extra on your ears, at least one of those nostrils pierces, and probably an eyebrow or two as well. You ready to go? No? It’s just for Halloween so it’s not worth the money or pain? Well apparently you aren’t as dedicated as we though! Oh yeah we suppose we wouldn’t even go that all in for a single costume. (Most likely because we love changing to different costumes!) To make it a little easier on your body and your budget here is some sweet looking Non Piercing Jewelry. This is great for your next costume that requires just a little more of an edge than you already have.