Nerd Glasses

Slip on the Nerd Glasses and instantly assume the look of someone who knows what they’re talking about. Not only do these glasses look smart, they may also make you feel smarter.


SKU: EL321630 Category:


Are you sick of everyone asking you about your hobbies and pass time activities? Well once you throw on a pair of these Nerd Glasses there won’t be any more questions! Everyone, right away, will know that you are a huge fan of role playing dice games, have an unmatched collection of limited edition comic books, and can quote just about every line from the most famous science fiction film series.There won’t be a doubt in anyone’s mind when it comes to the superiority of your LARP skills or the power of your ultimate Magic deck. With this accessory, you’ll attract more people with the same interests as you and ward off anyone trying to waste your time with mindless small talk. Just make sure you know the rules to all those games like the back of your hand and brush up on all your favorite comics, because with these Nerd Glasses on you may start receiving questions about a lot more than your leisurely activities.


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