Looney Tunes Bugs Bunny Toddler Costume

Eh, what’s up Doc? Dress your little one as Bugs Bunny of the Looney Tunes this Halloween with the Looney Tunes Bugs Bunny Toddler Costume! Get ready for wabbit season with the Looney Tunes Bugs Bunny Toddler Costume!


SKU: RU881539 Category:


What’s Bugging Ya?We’re sure you would usually use words like “adorable”, “precious”, and “lovable” to describe your toddler. However, don’t other words often come to mind? We mean words like, “mischievous”, “wacky”, and possibly “looney”. Well, what toddler isn’t one, if not all, of those things? Now you can dress your kiddo up as one of the most charming troublemakers in the history of cartoons when you grab this Looney Tunes Bugs Bunny Toddler Costume!Hop from house to house this Halloween. Instead of saying “trick-or-treat”, your little bunny can give your friends and neighbors a good laugh when he asks, “Eh, what’s up Doc?” While you make your way around town with Bugs, make sure to be on the lookout for that dopey Elmer Fudd. Daffy might have tricked him into thinking it’s Wabbit Season and your kiddo will be number one on his list. Although, we’re sure your little looney tune can handle that half-witted hunter!The Looney DetailsThis costume will come with everything you need to transform your toddler into the most famous Looney Tune. The grey and white jumpsuit is designed to look just like Bugs’ fur coat. Cartoon hands are attached to the ends of the sleeves, one of which has a tasty-looking carrot sewn onto it. The giant wabbit feet booties are also attached to the jumpsuit and feature Bugs’ footprints embroidered on their bottoms.The headpiece has a soft-sculpted Bugs Bunny head. All of the wacky wabbit’s facial features are embroidered and stitched onto it. The stuffed ears are designed to hold their upright position. This headpiece will stay securely on your kiddo’s head thanks to the under-chin fastener!


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