Kid’s Light Up Stick Figure Costume

Light up the night this Halloween with this Light Up Stick Figure Costume. You will be able to trick or treat all night long when you are wearing this costume.


SKU: FUN3972CH Category: Tag:


Artistically Awesome?Everyone talks about Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa, Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel, Monet’s water lilies, and that dude’s melting clock. But have you ever seen a STICK FIGURE? Now that’s art. It unites everyone more than most other kinds of art because everyone can draw a stick figure. Also, dressing up as the Mona Lisa for Halloween is tough, but dressing as a stick figure? Amazing. Ten stars.?Product DetailsArtistically challenged? Don’t fear, because this exclusive Light Up Stick Figure Costume for Kids will have you looking incredible whether you can draw a straight line or not! The black jersey knit jumpsuit fastens down the back and is very comfortable to wear. A light-up wire runs up both legs to connect for the length of the torso before splitting off in three directions to run down the arms and circle around the enclosed hood. When activated via two AA batteries, the entire wire lights up to give you a stick figure outline which looks especially cool in the dark. A pair of matching gloves are included.?Outline of a Legend?If you’re not sure what to be for Halloween this year, you can’t go wrong by dressing as a stick figure! Not only will you make your friends and family laugh, but there’s literally no other prep work besides fastening the costume. No fancy hairdos, glittery or fancy makeup, or any kind of accessories needed. You can get started collecting candy as soon as you press the light-up button.?


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