Justice League Deluxe Boy’s Cyborg Costume

What better way to prepare for the new Justice League movie than to become one of your favorite DC superheros with this Deluxe Boy’s Cyborg Costume.


SKU: RU640102 Category:


Are you thinking about turning your child into a cyborg? We?ve always wanted to become a half-human, half-robot hybrid, but it?s not the kind of decision to take lightly. We took our time and weighed all the pros and cons of being a cyborg and here?s what we came up with.Pros:You could run really fast.You could shoot laser beams from your hands.You could shoot laser beams from your eyes.You could shoot laser beams from just about anywhere that you wanted to shoot laser beams from.You could have rocket boots built into your feet so you could jump really high.You wouldn?t need to sleep anymore.You could make crazy robot puns and they would be funnier.You would never have to use the bathroom again.You would strike fear into your enemies with your mechanical body parts.You would be spared from destruction when the robot apocalypse finally happens.Cons:??Well, there you have it. Becoming a cyborg is all upside! Of course, we?re not sure exactly how to begin transforming your child into a half-robot, half-man superhero like Cyborg from DC?s Justice League movie, but we do have this officially licensed costume based on the character! The costume comes with a full jumpsuit that has muscle padding in the chest and attached boot tops that fit over your child?s feet. It also includes the mask to make your kid look like a real cyborg, ready to combat the forces of evil. (We?ll keep working on ways to upgrade your kid into a real cyborg and get back to you when we?re done.)


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