Infant Flower Costume

All we have to say about this is AWW! Our Infant Flower Costume is a must for any first Halloween. Complete with the petal hood to make all those pictures priceless.


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Watch ?em GrowWhen you put your baby to bed, they hadn?t figured out how to hold their head still yet. When you set them in their swing the next morning, they were looking around and utilizing their little neck like a pro. At lunchtime they got carrot puree stuck to their tiny thumb and couldn?t fathom a way to get it off again. But by bedtime, they were staring at their fingers and wiggling each to test their abilities. When they found their tongue meals got difficult?all that weird spitting stuff they did when trying peas really made a mess. When your baby tested their vocal range, well the stories and screeches were gibberish music to your ears. But the best was when they learned how to smile for more reasons than needing to burp. That toothless grin lit-up their face like a newly opened flower?needless to say, you?ve been privy to the coolest blossoming of all time. Celebrate your baby?s growth and first Halloween with a costume that truly captures their budding personality!Design and DetailsYour baby will look as wonderful as new sunflower in this Made by Us Flower Infant Costume! Our team of designers took their time pulling together a look that?s as cute as it is comfortable for babies sized 0-18 months. Two shades of green minky fabric were used to give the jumpsuit a more realistic stem-look. The included mitts and booties keep your baby?s tiny fingers and toes warm while also completing the jumpsuit. Snap buttons along the inner-seam make diaper access easy. And the hood polishes off this adorable costume by turning your happy baby into a sunny blossom!Blossoming BabyWhat better way to display how quickly your baby is growing up than with a flower costume? From big bright smiles to sitting up straight, this exclusive flower costume for infants is just the thing to showcase everything they?ve learned!


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