Honking Nose for a Clown

What would a clown be without this Honking Clown Nose!? This accessory is a must for your clown costume this Halloween season. It is over sized and red, and makes a honking noise when you squeeze it.


SKU: SNZ11025 Category:


Common Ground?Forget politics and global warming – clowns are definitely the most controversial topic ever! Some people love the silly performers, insisting that they make everything from birthday parties to circuses more enjoyable. They pile out of tiny cars, ride unicycles, blow animal balloons, wear silly shoes, and do everything they can to make you smile, their fans claim. The other side can’t even say the word “clown” without a full-body shudder. They’re evil, they insist! Clown paint often hide horrors. We’re looking at you, Pennywise! Fortunately, clowns have one feature that everyone can agree on. The honking red nose is never not funny!?Product Details?Whether you’re perfecting a birthday performer outfit or getting ready to terrify the neighborhood with a killer clown costume, this Honking Clown Nose is the perfect accessory! The oversized nose is a cheerful red color and sports a cute rounded tip. Squeezing the nose makes a hilarious honking noise that everyone will enjoy.?Honk HeavenEven if you’re not sure where you stand on the clown situation, you can admit that having an icebreaker like a clown nose would be super helpful in lots of situations. Honk if you agree!?


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