Hocus Pocus Adult Deluxe Sarah Wig

Though you may only have until sunup the next day for your witchy fun, you might as well make the most of it with this Hocus Pocus Adult Deluxe Sarah Wig! This blonde wig features multiple braids mixed in with the rest of the hair, just like Sarah has in


SKU: DI15109 Category: Tag:


I?ll Be Thy FriendHark! What be that floating above the trees, chasing a crowd of children? ?Tis our sister Sarah on her broomstick, looking for younglings to suck life essence from ? but wait! She has veered off in completely the wrong direction after a public bus! Sarah! Sister! Come back! Flirting with public transportation drivers must wait till we have completed our mission! Ugh, that Sarah. She can be such a minx! ?Tis true though, that she has the best style of all of the Sanderson sistren, especially when it comes to the art of hairdressing. See how her hair isn?t even mussed from her big musical number ?I Put a Spell on You?? Now that?s true enchantment!Product Details Thou wilt enchant all who see thee without even using thy seductive siren voice when thou wears this Adult Hocus Pocus Deluxe Sarah Sanderson Wig! Beauteous blonde tresses with pre-styled braids flow cunningly from thy head in an artful arrangement that even we couldst not top with all our powers. This sort of loveliness is black magic indeed!


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