Eating a dozen bananas isn’t the best way to get in touch with your animal side. Trust us. We’ve tried it, and it just ended up making us sick.If you want to look like an animal, we suggest trying out some good accessories or make-up instead of “method” acting your way into it. If you want to be a wolf, get some fangs and pointy ears. A cat? Try whiskers and a tail. The proper expressions and noises help too (you know, so people can know what kind of animal you are).Or, of course, you could just try a full animal costume or mask. Like our Goin Ape Gorilla Mask for example. This big black gorilla mask has a hard inside shell and a soft molded foam exterior. There’s shaggy black fur, big gorilla teeth, and ani-motion action (the face moves when you do)! Put this on and everyone will know exactly what animal you’re trying to be. Then you can go bananas.
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