Secret Talent?If you look up different kinds of bears on the internet, you’ll discover lots of fascinating facts. Polar bears actually have black skin, for instance, and grizzly bears can eat up to thirty pounds of food per day (imagine if you could tell your parents that you really?have?to have more cookies in order to survive the winter). But one thing you won’t learn online is the bear community’s best-kept secret: Bears love tutus! They’ll never let you know, though, because they think it makes them look less ferocious.?Product DetailsThis exclusive Tutu Bear Costume for Girls is a bear necessity if you want a memorable outfit! The knee-length dress zips up the front and its long-sleeved bodice is made of soft brown polyester velour. A white velour inset decorates the torso. A stuffed tail is sewn to the back of the waistline. The dress’s skirt features a satin base layer beneath two top layers of glittery brown tulle. Pull up the attached hood to reveal its foam-backed ears, plastic eyes, and embroidered muzzle!?Dancing BearIf you love bears, but also want to wear a gorgeous dress, this costume is perfect for you! You can roar and frighten away the other animals, but you can also be the first bear to do a perfect pirouette. When they see how talented you are, the neighborhood will certainly applaud you, and they will probably also give you exra Halloween candy. “Don’t feed the wildlife” doesn’t apply in this case.?
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