Game of Thrones Foam Sword Needle With Collectors Box

Complete the perfect Game of Thrones costume this year on Halloween with this Game of Thrones Foam Sword needle with Collectors Box. Perfect for fans of the show.


SKU: NTGOT114 Category:


We?were looking up quotes from Arya to show how cool and cutting she is. The thing is, there are too many to be counted. Unlike many of the Game of Thrones characters, she’s been ready for anything and on her feet since the very beginning. She didn’t need to be told twice that winter was coming, she simply kept her sword by her side, watched her enemy’s?every move, and struck as soon as she had a chance. She did that over and over again. To tell the truth, we still think she’s cool and everything but now we’re scared of her.??Whether you’re dressing as Arya Stark this Halloween or collecting all of these Game of Throne swords you’ll need the?ever-handy?needle. It’ll be there when you need it most, defending you from your?ever-building?list of enemies. With the metallic finish and?sturdy?handle, you’ll look ready to get revenge for the Stark family. The world better?watch?out. A girl is Arya Winterfell, and she is going home. The?long and?violent way.?


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