Game of Thrones Drogon Shoulder Sitter

Your Daenerys costume wouldn’t be complete without this Drogon shoulder sitter from Game of Thrones.


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DRACARYSThere’s no denying that we love our fur-babies very much but do they really have our backs? Think about it. What if we were chained up in the House of the Undying? Would our canine and feline friends have the power to roast our captor alive and release us from binding shackles…um, on second thought, we may?need to rethink our choice of pet…Don’t haul your beloved cat or dog off to the pound quite yet! Keep them around because they’re great for cuddling, but also pick up this Drogon shoulder sitter for protection. If a duplicating warlock tries kidnapping you, the sight of this fire-breathing dragon will surely scare him off. Just fasten this accessory around your shoulder and it will stay perched there, warding off any mystical warlocks. No, this Game of Thrones shoulder sitter doesn’t really breathe fire but we hope that doesn’t deter you from wearing a khaleesi costume and screaming, “DRACARYS” at the top of your lungs!


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