Devil Pet Costume

Speak of the devil it’s the Devil Pet Costume! Have your dog or cat be devilishly cute this Halloween season with the Devil Pet Costume! Come here Lucy fur! Come here!


SKU: PWPK00614 Category:


Dark Side?Your pet really has two personalities, doesn’t she? The first personality is the sweet cuddler, the loyal companion: The one who wakes you every morning with a wet but gentle kiss on the nose, and the one who always has to be where you are, even if it means following at a safe distance while you run the vacuum or accompanying you into the bathroom. The other personality – oh wow. That’s the one that eats a whole cheesecake right before your company arrives (How did she get onto the counter? How??) It’s also the one that chews up your favorite pair of llama bedroom slippers and then looks at you like, “What are you going to do about it?” When that side of your pet peeks through, you could swear that your sweet little snuggle muffin angel has a bit of a devil in her!?Product DetailsNaughty or nice, your pet is the best person you know! Celebrate your little mischief-maker by dressing her in this cat-or-dog-appropriate Devil Costume for Pets! The costume set includes a pair of shiny red devil horns that adjust to size and look hilarious no matter what the occasion. Pair it with the matching red bat wings for a costume that is as sinister as it is cute!?Here Comes TroubleLet everyone know what your pet is really like this Halloween. A little bit sweet, a little bit naughty, a whole lot of fun – and you wouldn’t have it any other way!?


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