Charlie Chaplin Mustache and Eyebrows

You’ll be ready to star in all the silent movies when you’re wearing these Charlie Chaplin mustache and eyebrows. Get a great 20’s look by adding these accessories to your costume.


SKU: SM1905 Category:


Good old Charlie’s face could say a thousand words with one expression. He didn’t need the subtitles some silent movies used, he could say everything with clear gesticulations. His comedic genius still holds up today. Not everything stays good with time. Try leaving a banana in your gym locker for a week. So let’s not take the comic’s longevity for granted.When you’re dressing as this silent film star you have to make sure to have the right facial hair. The things that man could do with his eyebrows! It’ll take a little practice, but we’re sure you can capture some of Chaplin’s charm in this mustache and eyebrow set. Don’t feel bad that you can’t grow a real Charlie Chaplin mustache, Charlie’s was fake as well! Remember to practice his silly walks. Who knows, if you keep your Charlie Chaplin antics up and you just might make it to the talkies.


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