Strange CeremonyWeddings in the afterlife are always a little strange. Some things are similar to the ceremonies we know. There’s a processional song, ghosts and ghouls are dressed in their best and some uncle is always in the aisle taking photos with his IPad. But the changes are unmistakable. For one, there’s no “dead till we part” bit and if a newly dead minister forgets and says that bit, it’s a real faux-pas. Secondly, white dresses aren’t really in. Pale ghost brides know that a white will bleach them out to make them look like a puff of smoke instead of a creamy Caspar complexion. The event that really shines out beyond living weddings? The first dance. Just imagine for a moment, how many dead musicians there are. There are a lot! So while Freddie Mercury and Jimi Hendrix jam out, the happy couple waltz about the dance floor, floating on air.?Product DetailsAre you ready to get that Ghost Bride touch? This crown has everything you need to keep the vibe macabre while also looking like a bride. The headband has three aged looking skulls framing black roses. Black tulle tumbles over your shoulders, making you the most beautiful bride in the cemetery.?
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