Ah, my Lord, may we bend your ear for a tip? You seem like a merry fellow, and we would be remiss if we did not point out a small thing before you head off to the local Reniassaince Faire to join in the merry-making! Tis? a wonderful thing, the Faire – a fine way to spend a day of your short life before you are killed by a common cold or some other pestilence that could easily be avoided with proper waste management! But no matter that, now?we can see that you are excited for a days of festivities – large mugs of ale and mead, a few horse sports, voluptuous and comely wenches as far as the eye can se, and an array of fine merchants, selling exotic spices and seasonings from across the sea! Twat a wonderful day it twill be!But we must warn you, sir – if you go to the Faire without this Black Satin Sash, your white billowing shirt will blow around in the wind, causing you to look uncouth and not worthy of good company! Seems like a silly thing indeed, for a brawny man like you to wear a Sash, but we ensure you, that is how it was done back when the nobility basically ruled a serf?s life and could make them do their bidding without recourse or representation from a court of law! And you, sir, seem like a noble sort, so play the part of the gent by complimenting your costume with this touch of black. And don?t forget your sword, a pair boots, and a jaunty hat! Now tarry on, good sir!
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