Adult Munchkin Mayor Costume

This Adult Munchkin Mayor Costume will make you the head Munchkin in the Land of Oz. This is an exclusive costume. You can probably tell Dorothy is new around here.


SKU: FUN2041AD Category: Tag:


Serving as the figurehead of Munchkin municipal government is a bigger job than you might think. If you assumed it was all about making proclamations and edicts, you’re only partly correct. Because among the mayor’s other duties are building infrastructure for his short-of-stature constituency, managing the many guilds and leagues of Munchkin artisans, and lending a distinguished air to Munchkin City Hall by wearing an exclusive, official-looking green suit like this!We’re not entirely sure why the suit has to be green, but it might signify that the Munchkin Mayor is recognized and sanctioned to govern by the Emerald City. Then again, it could mean that the mayor is just one of the people. For all we know, the color green could be to Munchkin fashion what the color black is to ours. And that would make a lot of sense, since green is the color of grass, and grass seems to go pretty well with everything! Maybe you’ll be able to offer some additional insight after your tenure in this whimsical outfit, inspired by the classic American fairy-tale book series.And even if you’re none the wiser after your time in office, we feel certain that you’ll enjoy strutting up and down your stretch of the yellow brick road in this fancy viridian suit topped with a 10-inch stovepipe hat. While most of the townspeople are perfectly content to be normal Munchkin height, headgear like that will really help you stand out in a crowd!


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