Adult Inflatable Avocado Costume

A well balanced diet requires meats fruits and veggies so get your serving of fruit with this Adult Inflatable Avocado Costume. It makes a great dip as well and you could add veggies.


SKU: JY20274 Category:


Where’s the Toast?Listen, we all know it’s true. Avocado on toast is delicious. It’s simple, it’s filling, and avocados are a super food, so it just makes plain sense to eat it for breakfast. All those avocado haters out there probably just haven’t tried it yet. The humble avocado probably just needs a little more exposure, and that’s where this Inflatable Avocado Costume comes in!When you wear this adult-sized inflatable costume, you can make the case for the benefits of eating avocados while at your next costume party! If you love the tasty fruit, it’s your duty to give them a good name out there!Product DetailsThis costume is ultra-easy to use and can be worn over your normal clothes. Just toss it on over your jeans and t-shirt and inflate! The costume comes with a jumpsuit made out of windbreaker-style fabric with elastic bands around the arms and legs to create an airtight seal.The suit has a fan housed inside of the suit. With the simple flip of a switch, the suit inflates within just a few minutes. When fully inflated, the costume takes the shape of an avocado, sliced in half with the pit in the middle. Leave the fan on to keep the costume fully inflated!


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