Adult Get Real Bowling Pin Costume

Prepare yourself for an epic battle with a bowling ball in this Adult Get Real Bowling Pin Costume. A great costume when paired off with 8 other pins!


SKU: RA6816 Category:


So, your family is having a little reunion over Halloween weekend, and someone came up with the idea to wear a coordinated group costume for this year?s trick-or-treat fest in the neighborhood. How grand! We want a fun family like that! The only problem, of course, is figuring out what to wear; there are ten of you, after all! That?s three too many to dress as dwarves and way more than most superhero teams. Hmmm…what comes in groups of ten and is really, really fun and easy to pull off, fast? Fingers? No, gross! Commandments? Well, the number is right but the sentiment is all wrong for the occasion. Ahem, we hate to interrupt, but may we be of service? You could each wear this Adult Get Real Bowling Pin Costume and really bowl over everyone you meet! There?s not a second to spare; team up with your cousins and siblings and go out there and have a blast. And even when Aunt Martha shows up when no one is expecting her, you can dress her up as a bowling ball to still fit the theme! This pin is a simple-to-wear stuffable tunic that slips on over your regular clothes. Think of this costume like the Halloween equivalent of bumper bowling–there?s no way to go wrong and wind up in the gutter. Talk about a total strike of luck that you found it!


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