Invest In Our PlanetCaptain Planet, he’s a hero. Gonna take pollution down to zero! Oh, what, are we not collectively singing the theme song from?Captain Planet and the Planeteers? That was the jam back in the ’90s. The Captain Planet television show will forever live in our hearts, and we didn’t even need Ma-Ti to use his ring. The cartoon’s main characters announced their element before forming the good Captain. Now, you can summon him with the help of an officially licensed adult costume.In honor of Earth Day?and every day we are fortunate to walk on this beautiful planet?we present our?Captain Planet Costume for Adults. A Captain Planet costume is the perfect combination of superhero fun that sends a great message to everyone who sees you wearing it?help the Earth. You don’t have to be the spirit of the planet or a superpowered entity to reduce your footprint and increase your impact on this world. We know Captain Planet would be proud.Sometimes, trying to save the Earth from itself seems like an uphill battle. We hope that with a?Captain Planet Costume for Adults, you can get into the spirit of giving back to this planet that gives us so much.
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