Adult Blue Whale Costume

Have you ever wanted to swim in the ocean with the whales? Well, now you can, but without the water, when you wear this exclusive Adult Blue Whale Costume!


SKU: FUN3328AD Category:


Taking Up Space?Humans have a lot of accomplishments under their belts. Besides inventing fire and cappucinos, they’ve tinkered with technology, developed the chocolate bar, and created some pretty fun concert experiences too. But in terms of sheer stature, they’ll never compare with the blue whale! If we met one of these in the ocean, no amount of technological savvy would make us want to do anything but give it a respectfully wide berth.?Product DetailsHave a whale of a time wearing this exclusive Blue Whale Costume for Adults! The unisex blue jersey knit tunic is backed with foam, stuffed with fiberfill, and lined with wire in the nose and tail fins to help it keep its shape. Its fin-shaped sleeves feature slits in the ends to allow you to free your hands (blue whales might not need to check their phones, but you probably do). A stuffed dorsal fin is sewn to the back of the outfit. The entire costume is printed with whale graphics including eyes and spots.?Just Keep Swimming?What do blue whales do all day? They probably explore as much as the ocean as they can, confident in the knowledge that no other predator would be foolhardy enough to try to take them on. Other than that, the rest of their time is most likely occupied with eating. A blue whale has to consume around nine thousand pounds of krill a day, which takes a while to do. Adventuring and eating: Sounds like the perfect life!?


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