The More You Know?OK, animal lover, let’s test your knowledge?on one of our favorite?mammals, the baboon. See answers below:1) How many species of?baboons?are there???2) Baboons?have prehensile tails. True or?False??3) Baboons are the largest _______ in the world.?4) Baboons are both cute and?kind of?scary. True or False??5) This costume?looks?more like a _______ than a baboon.?If you answered in the following way?1) 52) False3) monkey4) True!?5) mandrill?then you deserve to wear this Adult Baboon Costume (that?looks?a lot?like a mandrill) to your next costume party! After all, baboons (and mandrills) are highly intelligent and social?monkeys with active?minds,?protective spirits,?and a?habit?of?silly antics. Sound like anyone you know? Write up your own animal trivia and ask everyone?at the costume party?to play. There’s nothing like being trivia-shamed by a baboon (or a mandrill)! It’s particularly humiliating.?Design & Details?This faux fur jumpsuit looks JUST like a baboon’s?body, unless you know a lot about animals?(which you do), and then it looks an awful lot like a mandrill. Po-tay-to, Po-tah-to. It’s gray, black, and white with?a red velour padded rump?and a?faux fur (non-prehensile) tail sewn to the back. The hood features?a?colorful?(mandrill)?snout, along with ferocious?teeth and?inquisitive?eyes.?Elbow-length velour gloves cover your clearly?homo?sapien?hands?and also?give this wild look a touch of elegance.?Monkey?Around?Whether you feel like showing off your animal knowledge?or going with your wild animal instincts, this costume is pure gold. There?are?only so many times in life that your baboon versus mandrill knowledge will come in handy, so?live it up and let it shine in this lively look!
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