Rat to RuleWe often wonder what goes through a lab rat’s mind. Do they dream of a bowl full of food and a quick sprint on their little exercise wheel? Are they that simple, or do they have grander schemes brewing inside their tiny little rodent heads? Perhaps they gather at night and try to cook up some seriously sinister schemes. Perhaps they gather together in pairs, creating strange gadgets in the lab while the human scientists are away. Perhaps they have their sights set on world domination!Nah, couldn’t be. We’ve probably just been watching way too many cartoons lately. Those lovable little rats couldn’t be up to no good could they? Maybe you could set our minds at ease. Here’s the plan. You head into the lab disguised as one of them. Then, you can find out exactly what they’re doing! All you need is the perfect costume.Design & DetailsOur costume designers have outdone themselves on this Made by Us exclusive. The Albino Rat Costume is an adult-size costume that will fully disguise you as a rat! The costume comes with a white jumpsuit that has a stuffed flesh-tone tail in the back, below the zipper. The shoe covers are shaped like rat paws and they’re designed to fit over most pairs of shoes. Finally, the hood is shaped like a rat’s head, complete with a pair of cute, beady red eyes, along with a nose and ears. Put it all together and you have an outfit that will fool even the wisest of lab rats!Try to Take Over the World!Once you have this costume, you’ll have the look down, but you may want to study some rat behavior before you try to fool any rats. Also, it does sort of give you the strange urge to try to take over the world when you wear it… we’re not too sure what’s up with that!
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