Valley girls have taken a back seat as of late. At the moment, feminism and positive body image are all the rage, which is great, but can we admit a little secret? Don’t judge, but we have a bad case of nostalgia for the bubblegum-smacking, leg warmer-wearing, scrunchie-loving valley girls of the 1980’s. If teasing your hair to look as puffy as possible and wearing a sturdy pair of shoulder pads under a blazer sounds like a dream come true for you too, then we think we have a costume that will make you like, totally scream. ?Our exclusive 80’s valley girl costume compiles all of the decade’s most popular trends in one tubular costume, creating the quintessential valley girl. This ensemble features different neon colors, zebra print and billowy sleeves. Once you button up the hot pink blazer and fasten the matching scrunchie in your hair, you’ll look ready to parade down the halls of a high school like a scene straight out of Heathers. ? ? ?Of course, this costume only grants you your valley girl status for one night. Come morning, you’ll have to put your big girl pants back on and do whatever you can to promote women’s lib and gender equality, but before reality sets back in, enjoy wearing your rad threads while dancing your heart out to the groovy beats of The Bangles. Every once in a while, all girls need an evening filled with hair-teasing, overt ditziness, and repeatedly swiping daddy’s credit card. Like… duh!? ???
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