80″ Spider Lace Window/Door Panel

If you’re looking for a spooky yet tasteful decor piece for your home, grab this 80″ Spider Lace Window/Door Panel! It’s easy to hang and is sure to spread the Halloween spirit to everyone who walks in!


SKU: SNW81274 Category:


Face Your FearsAre spiders one of the scariest things you can think of? If you see one in your room, will you bribe literally anyone around to get rid of it for you so that you won’t have to go near it? You should definitely decorate with fake spiders to show how brave you are…but don’t get too close to them.?Product DetailsThis 80″ Lace Spider Window/Door Panel is just the right piece to add to your Halloween decorations! The lacy mesh panel is printed all over with images of crawling spiders.?


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