2 Piece 24″ x 12″ Skull Fence Decoration

If you need a practical yet fun and spooky way to keep the neighborhood trick or treating kids from accidentally stepping on plants, or just want to add something a little spooky to your yard, we have just the thing for you! This 2 pc 24″ x 12″ Gothic Sku


SKU: FO57484 Category:


Garden ProtectionSometimes you just need to get creative when it comes to protecting your garden. You love having a yard full of rabbits, but you hate that they show no restraint. Once your blossoms bloom, they?re snapped up by big buck teeth?their lovely green leaves are shown even less mercy. You could put up a tall mesh garden fence. However, you want to show off your green thumb not hide your talents behind green plastic. Luckily, we have something new for you to try!Product DetailsLet the rabbits play to their heart’s content while keeping them away from your beautiful garden display with this 2-Piece Gothic Skull Fence Decoration! The 24-inch segments feature scowling skulls and pointy spikes that are just spooky enough to keep any pest away from your plants. The plastic fencing is purposely distressed to give it the eerily ancient look of rusting metal. Each segment has two stakes and connectable ends to make placing and expanding your intimidating fence easy.Haunting DecorOkay, we can?t promise the creepy finish on this decorative fence will keep rabbit invaders from munching on your plants. But we do know it will create a haunting aura around your yard and garden this Halloween!


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