Halloween Living Room Decor
Halloween is very much a family time of the year. Everyone gets to be that little bit weird and scary but it’s perfectly acceptable. If it’s anything like my family, this is pretty much the same for most of the year!
As with any year, we love Halloween and it’s a great excuse to not only dress up and be scary in our Halloween Costumes but to also make the house look amazing! We get all of our Halloween décors out from storage and we really go overboard. You don’t have to go out every year and buy new Halloween decorations and spend hundreds of pounds on new stuff. If you can, recycle and re-use. After all, that’s the way the world is going at the moment.
We have given some ideas for decorating your bedroom for Halloween, that article can be read here – Decorating your bedroom for Halloween. So this time we thought we would give you some idea about decorating your living room. Somewhere where the family spend time together so why not make it a family event to get the decorating done.
There are many ways of doing this and no, we are not going to suggest you paint your walls orange and your ceiling black. (If you want to then you are more than welcome to) It’s more about the subtle small things again that can really change a room dramatically. So let’s start getting into some of our personal suggestions.

Halloween Décor tips for your living room
1, The coffee table is a great place to start. This would normally be in the centre of the room so somewhere very focal and visual as soon as you enter the room. Try draping a creepy cloth over the coffee table. This will make it look like it’s a witch’s working table. Do you have any small bottles? Fill them up with water and use water colourings to make them green, black and orange, like it was a selection of witches potions waiting to be brewed. Maybe put these on a tray with some small fake insects or body parts to make it look a bit more authentic. We have, on quite a few occasions purchased some children’s sweets, something like the wriggly works and put them inside the glass bottles. Makes it look like there are some creatures waiting to be brewed!
Be adventurous with this. The bottles with different coloured water and sweets inside are a great and simple decoration to make. They can look absolutely fantastic. Maybe get quite a few together and put them along a bookshelf?
2, Bookshelves, as above, are a great place for putting Halloween decorations. These are usually in a great view of everyone as they enter the room. Also, being at eye level for most, they can really get your attention. Try getting some fake cobwebs (Or if you are lazy like us, don’t dust for a few weeks!) and put some of these over the books and under the shelves? Maybe put some large fake spiders with them.
Hanging bats from the edges of the shelves is another great option that we try to do. Again, put together with some fake cobwebs and foliage can really make it look good.

3, Lighting is, as always, a great and easy effect to play with. It’s so easy now to go out and get a colour changing LED bulb. Pop 1 of these in a lamp and set the colour to orange and have a dull glow in the corner. This can really change the atmosphere in the room very quickly. If you have a hunt around on the internet you can find many great LED bulbs that have different features. We managed to find 1 that will randomly flash to simulate lightning. This gives an amazing feature but can catch you out at times and actually scare you a bit when you are not expecting it.
If you are able to get hold of some small battery-powered LED lights then these can be great to use too. Scrunch them up and put them in a bowl with some fake insects to make a great sideboard decoration. How about putting some at the back of your bookcase to give a subtle inner glow behind your hanging bats and cobwebs.
Be adventurous with this as it really can change the feel of a room.
4, General decorations around the room can let you know that it really is Halloween season. From small pumpkins sat on the shelf to your countdown calendar on the mantelpiece that needs changing every day. Small things like this are great and fun as well, especially for the kids. Put some of this smaller decoration on your window sill so that people walking by your house can see that you are extremely excited about Halloween.
5, our last tip for this article is going to be around hanging decorations. These really can be fun but some will take up a lot of room if you are not careful. One of the classics is the doorway ribbons. They simply hang in your doorway and every time you enter or leave the room you have to walk through them. Some are just coloured sparkly ribbons but shop around and you can get hanging spiders or small creepy ghosts that hang down.
The usual classic wall hanging decorations are things like Bats, Skeletons, witches, ghosts and pumpkins. These are great and can be hung anywhere that has space. If you are feeling a bit adventurous, have a look at the few items below. These are great, but scary so use them cautiously!

Well, we hope that we have given you some great and simple ideas for decorating your living room. These are all cheap and easy ideas to do and won’t break the bank. As always, have fun and enjoy the Halloween celebrations.