Getting ready for Halloween
As with any event, it’s only as good as your preparation! Halloween is no different. To be very honest with you, there are a lot of things to get ready for Halloween. Much more than there would be for a simple summer party. You don’t need to go overboard with your planning, but having an idea of what’s needed will surely help you enjoy and have a stress free Halloween night!
We have put together some great ideas for you to help you get your preparations ready and make Halloween amazing year after year!

Are you planning a Halloween party? If so, then you need to get a few things planned.
- Party Invites
- Party food
- Drinks
- Alcohol
- Decorations
All of these can be relatively easy but before you start any of the lists above you have to know what your party theme is going to be? Are you having a girly get together, which may mean you all dress as cackling witches? Maybe it’s a family event so just a general Halloween dress up and party night for adults and children.
Read our article on Halloween Party Themes to get some great ideas for Halloween parties.
Costumes play a big part in a Halloween party but one area that sometimes gets overlooked is Group costumes or family costumes as we call them. These are where everyone dresses up from a specific theme or movie. A good example is Ghostbusters, everyone knows who they are and that there are 4 of them. Why not get a full costume set and go as the Ghostbusters? Got a 5th person in the group? Don’t forget Mr Staypuff Marshmallow man! This truly is an amazing costume. Another great group costumes are ‘The Adams Family. How about a large group of Zombies??
Going as a couple? Why not try his and her vampire costumes or maybe his and hers Beetlejuice outfits? There are loads of possibilities so have a good look around and see what you can put together. If you are feeling adventurous, why not try making your own costume??
Have you thought about party food and snacks yet for your party? These can be fairly easy. Making cookies or brownies and covering in orange coloured cream or icing can be the easiest way to make some snacks? Cakes are also a great choice as you can add food colourings to make different colours depending on your theme. Also, why not ask people to bring their own style of party snacks and turn it into a competition with a small prize for the winner. This option can take some pressure off you as the host and help others join in.
Another great option with parties is the drinks. Why not come up with some weird and wonderfully named cocktails? Again use some food colourings to make it look like you are drinking green slimy vodka cocktails! Add some shaped ice cubes or some worm-shaped sweets to add the Halloween effect!
For the kids, make up a large fruit punch bowl simply by mixing fruit juices or squash so that you get weird coloured drinks. Add some sweets and maybe some shaped ice cubes again to give them a spooky feel.
Party outdoors or indoors? If you are having your party outdoors then you may have the option to get some spooky lights put up around your garden. Other Halloween decorations like tombstones and spooky signs are great for outdoor parties. IF you are planning an indoor party then think of some spooky things you can do. Cobwebs over picture frames are great. Stick scary pumpkins around the room and dim the lights if you can. Either way, you can create a great Halloween experience indoors or outdoors.

There are many different things you can do to get your plans rolling for your Halloween night. Plan early enough and let your guests know so that they can get their costumes ready as well as some party snacks. Overall, just have loads of spooky fun!