Rocking a RangeGrumpy Bear has a bad rep. People sometimes think that he’s a downer. They’re totally off track. And yes, sometimes he won’t see a situation in the same sunny light that the rest of the Care Bear community might see it. We actually see that kind of attitude as pragmatism instead of negativity.Plus, who really can stand being sunny constantly? Grumpy Bear has a range of emotions. His character runs deep. When there is trouble in Care Bear paradise, he’s the first one to recognize the issue. And thus, he’s the first one to come up with a solution. His talent with everything mechanical certainly doesn’t hurt with his problem-solving techniques either. So if you want to be the problem solver and pragmatist, channel this Grumpy Bear for your next costumed event.?Product DetailsThis exclusively licensed Care Bear jumpsuit is uber cozy. It has a fuzzy textured surface that covers the mittens, shoe covers, and hood. The hood has a thoughtful Grump Bear face and ears that can act as a mask. The mittens cover your?hands with a heart on the palms. The large white patch on the belly with the rainy day icon in the middle. And of course, the look is finished off with a little Care Bear heart and tail on the rear to make you look like a Care Bear straight from the eightiesSoftly SentimentalThe eighties were the height of cute cartoons. It’s time to go back to the cheery days of the Care Bears. The great thing is, you can pair up with a whole cast of Care Bear characters. From Grumpy Bear to Cheer?Bear, you and your friends are sure to bring an eighties style innocence to any event you show up at. What a great way to create a bond to care about!
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