Broken Glasses

Accessorize your costume with these Broken Glasses. These glasses have a black frame and the lenses have the appearance of cracks in them.


SKU: EL321530 Category:


A.P. ClassWelcome to your first A.P. class. What’s that? No, you’ve got it wrong. This is not an advanced placement class, this is a class for accident-prone students. We can see how that would be confusing but what can we say, the teacher of this class is also mistake-prone. For our first class, we’re going to focus on risk mitigation when it comes to trips and falls. The most important thing for you to remember is if you’re balancing on something or trying something new, make sure you find a safe placement. Rollerblading near water or standing on one leg near a campfire are both dangerous. However, balancing on a short wall in the middle of a grassy lawn might be worth the risk. Looks like that’s the bell. Next week we’re covering knocking items over so be sure to read the chapter on liquids that stain!?Product DetailsThis pair of glasses will make the heart of anyone who’s nearsighted skip a beat. The black glasses have lenses printed with a shattered design. A great accessory for nerd costumes and accident victims, you’re sure to have a lot of fun slipping on these surprisingly stable broken glasses!