Just the (Tube) Guy for YouHave you ever seen those inflatable, dancing humanoids out in the world? They are often at car dealerships and business parking lots. When someone wants to draw attention to their business, they get a Tube Guy. Who can resist watching their unpredictable and hilarious dance routines? If you’ve got a little one who loves to dance, then try out this Kids Inflatable Red Wavy Arm Guy Costume. They can wiggle in style this Halloween!Product DetailsThis red polyester suit may look like it’s made up of regular tubes, but they’ve got some secrets up their waving sleeves! The key to this costume is just like the real thing; it’s all about air. This inflatable suit comes with its own inflating motor, so putting it together is a breeze. Have your child step in, zip it up, and that’s it! Elastic around the limb holes keeps the air in so that the dance moves stay jiggly. A big smile sits above your child’s head, including two wide eyes. Bonus: the long yellow tassels that decorate the head and arms make dancing even more fun!To Flail, or Not to Flail?Are you more into this costume than your child? Don’t worry?we also sell this tubular look in an adult size! If your child IS into this look, why not do both? Imagine if the whole family hit the town as flailing tube people. It’s a visual that’s sure to to put a smile on your face and on the faces of those passing by! Whether you, your kid, or other family members decide to don this suit, it will make this Halloween a memorable one. So, start practicing your flailing and bending moves. Tube Guys have the best dance routines, so it’s time for your best!
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